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Chart of the Spice Islands and vicinity, first published by Nicholas Sanson in 1653.

Nicholas Sanson (1600-1667) is considered the father of French cartography in its golden age from the mid-seventeenth century to the mid-eighteenth. Over the course of his career he produced over 300 maps. His success can be chalked up to his geographic and research skills and also his collaborators, particularly his partnership with Pierre Mariette. Previously, Sanson had worked primarily with the publisher Melchior Tavernier. Mariette purchased Tavernier’s business in 1644. Sanson worked with Mariette until 1657, when the latter died. Mariette’s son, also Pierre, helped to publish the Cartes générales de toutes les parties du monde.

This chart is a pirated Dutch edition published in 1683. It was engraved by Anthony d' Winter. Dutch interest in the Spice islands was intense.

Insets of Banda, Bachian and the Molluccas. Papua is shown as a seperate land mass to New Guinea, following a cartographic error that occurred in the 1590's and a perfect illustration of the derivative nature of the earlier cartographers.


Copperplate engraving.


Size 200 mm x 250 mm. (Plate line.)


Early gilded colour.


Excellent condition.


Framed and glazed.



    2016 by Flo Costello for Maritime Art & Antiques
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