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Imageria Pellerin a Epinal wood-cut showing the French naval attack on the Russian fortress at Sebastopol during the Crimean War. In the typical style of the Pellerin workshop, with strong primary colours.

Jean-Charles Pellerin was the founder of a French print workshop that began producing large scale illustrations of French triumphs during the Napoleonic Wars and continued for the next century. The process was idiosyncratic, using a combination of wood-block print, (known as xylography) and stencil colouring, very much a harbinger of the twentieth century French process of pochoir printing. His workshop was in the forested area of North East France in the town of Epinal and is still extant. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the firm began to use lithography, so this print is amongst the last produced using the xylography process. Dating the prints is a notoriously difficult task as the company printed to demand on paper watermarked ARCHES that is still manufactured.

c.1854 or later.

500 x 650 mm. (20 x 26 inches). Paper size.

Excellent condition. 


    2016 by Flo Costello for Maritime Art & Antiques
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