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Commonly called the mutton bird and was eaten by aborigines and the European colonists who preserved the eggs and flesh as a food source.The birds breed on the south coast of Australia, particularly in the Bass Strait islands. During the southern winter they migrate to the north Pacific and return annually for the breeding season. A 15000 km round trip.

The original letterpress description accompanies this lithograph.


Published in The Birds of Australia. 1840-1848.


Author. John Gould.


Artist. John Gould and Henry Richter.


Lithograph. Original hand colour.


Paper size. 545 mm x 365 mm.


Condition. EXCELLENT.


Acquired from the Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Canada.

PUFFINUS BREVICAUDUS : Gould.[Puffinus tenuirostris. Short-tailed Shearwater.]

    2016 by Flo Costello for Maritime Art & Antiques
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